Pictorial Webster’s

This is the trade edition published by Chronicle Books of fine-press bookmaker John M. Carrera's masterpiece Pictorial Webster’s, a "visual dictionary" of over 1,500 engravings from Webster's dictionaries in the 19th century collected and reprinted by hand. I designed the cover using an emblematic illustrated picture frame to symbolize the dictionary concept for images instead of words. The enigmatic giant squid was selected as the best image among hundreds to beckon curious readers inside. The book design extended into a full range of products, including a journal/sketchbook, deluxe set of wall cards, stamp kit, and pocket-size edition of the original. Image selection was always a challenging and key part of the design process to keep the unpredictable, surprise elements of the book intact, yet appeal more specifically to gift-buyers. The book cover won the AIGA 50 Books / 50 Covers Award.


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